What is Exchange?
>We are an all-volunteer, national service club composed of local business and professional men and women committed to building a better America. Exchange provides members with the opportunity to exchange views with other community leaders and business people, to bond together in good fellowship, to share time, interests and talents with like-minded individuals, and to help make this community a better place in wich to live.

Why Join Exchange?
>Become a part of the business and civic affairs of your community. You get to know your neighbors and you get ot know us.
  • Build friendships
  • Offer your skills to your community
  • Network with other businesses
  • Develop leadership & organizational skills

What Happens at Meetings?
>Meetings are held to foster good fellowship and the exchange of views (club business is held to a minimum). A hospitality committee plans the meal options and arranges the program. Meetings provide members with information for businesses, professional orpersonal use.

What are Member's Responsibilites?
>Attendance at meetings is encouraged but is not mandatory.
  • Maintain club dues
  • support fundraising projects
  • have fun at meetings and social events

What are the Fees?
>Quarterly dues of $160.00
Meals fees are included in the quarterly dues. All fees are as stated unless otherwise notified.

Where are the Meetings?
>Meetings are held at the Knights of Columbus located at 507 Shippan Avenue, click the link below to get directions. Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of each month.
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